Don Wendorf shares singalong themes he has developed during his many years of singing with persons living with dementia.
Don Wendorf shares singalong themes he has developed during his many years of singing with persons living with dementia.
Steps to becoming an official Songs & Smiles singalong leader. We provide training and resources, including access to our videos.
Don Wendorf shares tips from his own experience leading singalongs with persons living with dementia.
If you have a loved one living with Alzheimer’s or another type of dementia, your holidays will look different. That’s okay. It’s a new chapter.
Family and friends need to get involved. Sometimes that just means being around, seeing what needs to be done, and doing what you can to ease the burden … if even only for a moment.
A woman encourages her mother to keep visiting her husband living with dementia, even after he seems unable to recognize her.